Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I've not been talking at home since monday til now, can keep mute the whole day at home for three consecutive days, and still going on. So not like me yea? lol.

In life, you give more than you gain.
nicol, you've made a fool of everyone.

Vampire tooth

I detest my vampire tooth! Its really sharp, and once in awhile i will bite on my lips using my vampire tooth whenever im eating, indescribable pain.. Hit on my lips 3times within 2  days, 2 times on the same spot -.-"
Wound all over, thanks to the vampire tooth.
Uncle asked me b4 whether if im interested to put braces and remove the vampire tooth and i rejected cos i think is a waste of money and troublesome to go back for appointment monthly.

Work! Friday and Sunday at EXPO.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sleeping pill

Never underestimate ORPHENADRINE, a type of medicine that relax your muscle, make you sleepy and will cause drowsiness, sort of like sleeping pill. Im not feeling well, so took the medicine in school, 30mins later all i want is just close my eyes, trying to keep awake but my vision getting more and more blur. Bus 69 i can actually see it as 18.
Doctor told me after taking the medicine, will make me very very tired, at first I dont really believe him, but now i do. Lol.

I admit im VAIN.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bad day!


As usual, after preparing went out of house and head to the bus-stop, went up bus and walked in, everyone was looking at me, wonder why, so i turn back and see, the driver gave me a stern look, just bcos i forget tap ez-link card -.-" he was shouting for me, but i didnt realise cos im on music.. Embarrassing

Went in the toilet urgently, realise the surrounding is clean and pink, walk deep inside and started to felt weird, turn back and look, big sign! FEMALE TOILET, dash out of the toilet and lots of people looking, all i do is bend my head downward and walk toward the male toilet. Joke man, luckily there's no girls is inside the toilet, if not i wonder what will happen, lol.

Flunk my math quiz, sad.

Bless me please.

Elva Hsiao - Dao Shu

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



Wasnt fun at all man, lol. Back to hometown is still the bessssst.
Genting is damn freaking cold, full of icy fog and droplets of rain all around, had sleepless night due to the cold weather condition! And also thanks to the rain, which prevent us from going out, all we do is just shivering inside the hotel. Guess most proberly winter month is coming.

Feeling fat after the trip to malaysia, i am just looking for trouble, gonna have a hard time cutting down and maintaining my weight, cant stop eating, cos the food there is cheap and nice..

Catch 2012 at KL, 3bucks sg dollar if im not wrong :)
Touching movies, tears.
If we're really at the end point of our journey, whereby you have no chance to live, all we to is just to make sure our love ones are safe including sacrifice our live, and also reveal some of the selfish bastard true colour, sacrificing all the innocent life just to make sure they themselves survive.


Thursday, November 12, 2009


Blood donation going on in school for the past few days, today the is last day of BD. i actually went for it today, kinda scare at first and yes i admit that im scare of INJECTION. They have to check if my veins is big enough first before i can start blood donating, i was told that the needle is very thick and big, im like reluctant to donate after what they said, ya cos im scared. Surprisingly they said my veins is too small and not eligible to donate. Probably becos im cold, thus my veins shrink. Feeling real bad, unable to help the needy, though im reluctant. I will donate the next time round! :)

10years ago this is my passport photo, hahaha.

Tmr going to be a troublesome day for me :((
Will be heading to KL tmr noon.

Gooodnight and GL for the CCN day tmr.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Candy House

Selling candy in school tomorrow...

Guess how many stick of candy ? dont judge by it look, its alot!

Preparation in progress

Jia and Kai


End of the day for me, night.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

School holiday please

Got tones of school work to be complete, not started anyone of them yet, im so dead, and going crazy soon. Right now im still relaxing, watching tv and games, my brain aint going to activate and work until the last min.! Its a good habit though, you will work extremely insane when the deadline approaching. Calculated the words im require to type is around 4k for my assignment. Quiz coming real soon.... i strongly believe the phrase called "chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi"

Malaysia 13nov to 17nov

I received call from samsung and my jet ready for collection, heheh :) Contacts and data all gone.

Signing off here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Look positively

I admit my family do have 7 bothers including me, sound unbelievable. The whole coffee shop near my house know everything about our family background, they even name me "long er" ranked second in the brothers, which i dont even know until i went to buy food. Chomp chomp, a famous food district, know my family well too, i didnt expect that. The whole row of stalls started to gossip and point when we're there, i ask my mum how come they seems to know us, she replied, they know u all since u were young, i was like huh? 

Gonna be a busy bloody week for me, lots of things not done. im tired, really tired this few days, i can really  die. Someone ease my burden please. Tmr school ends at 6, and follow by car lesson 8, seriously just wanna to get over with the car lience thing quickly.

Yeah, im naive, sacrificed and put in so much, so much effort and in return, i get nothing but criticizes, being said dump by people, my good intention got no where.